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Thursday, December 5, 2013
Different brain waves
Scientists have again found stark contrasts in the wiring of male and female brains, according to a report of The Guardian.
They confirmed what had been indicated earlier, drawing on nearly 1,000 brain scans.Details of the study were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Maps of neural circuitry showed that on average women's brains were highly connected across the left and right hemispheres in contrast to men's brains, where the connections were typically stronger between the front and back regions.
Ragini Verma, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, said the greatest surprise was how much the findings supported old stereotypes, with men's brains apparently wired more for perception and co-ordinated actions, and women's for social skills and memory, making them better equipped for multitasking.
"If you look at functional studies, the left of the brain is more for logical thinking, the right of the brain is for more intuitive thinking. So if there's a task that involves doing both of those things, it would seem that women are hardwired to do those better," Verma said.
"Women are better at intuitive thinking. Women are better at remembering things. When you talk, women are more emotionally involved – they will listen more."
She added: "I was surprised that it matched a lot of the stereotypes that we think we have in our heads. If I wanted to go to a chef or a hairstylist, they are mainly men."
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
‘Zombie’ live again
A smaller, paler version of Comet ISON may have survived incineration in the sun's corona and may be brightening, scientists said on Friday.
Since its discovery in September
2012, Comet ISON has been full of surprises. It started off extremely bright,
considering its great distance from the sun at the time, beyond Jupiter's
As it drew closer, it did not brighten as much as expected,
raising doubts about its size and the amount of water it contained. Ice in a
comet's body vaporizes from solar heating, causing a bright stream of particles
to trail the body in a distinctive tail.
Conflicting pictures of the
comet's future continued until Thursday when ISON apparently flew too close to
the sun. Its long tail and nucleus seemingly vaporized in the solar furnace,
dashing hopes of a naked-eye comet visible in Earth's skies in
But late on Thursday, ISON surprised again.
"A bright
streak of material streaming away from the sun appeared in the European Space
Agency and NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory later in the evening," NASA
wrote on its website on Friday.
"The question remains whether it is
merely debris from the comet, or if some portion of the comet's nucleus
survived," the U.S. space agency said.
Preliminary analysis suggests that
at least a small nucleus is intact.
"One could almost be forgiven for
thinking that there's a comet in the images," astrophysicist Karl Battams, with
the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, wrote in a blog posted Thursday
"Right now it does appear that a least some small fraction of ISON
has remained in one piece and is actively releasing material," Battams
"If there is a nucleus, it is still too soon to tell how long it
will survive. If it does survive for more than a few days, it is too soon to
tell if the comet will be visible in the night sky. If it is visible in the
night sky, it is too soon to say how bright it will be ... I think you get the
picture, yes?" he added.
The comet was discovered last year by two
amateur astronomers using Russia's International Scientific Optical Network, or
Comets are believed to be frozen remains left over from the
formation of the solar system some 4.5 billion years ago.
The family of
comets that ISON is from resides in the Oort Cloud, which is about 10,000 times
farther away from the sun than Earth, halfway to the next star.
models show it left the outer edge of the solar system about 5.5 million years
ago and began journeying toward the sun.
At its closest approach on
Thursday, it passed just 730,000 miles (1.2 million km) from the sun's surface
and experienced temperatures reaching 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,760 degrees
"This has unquestionably been the most extraordinary comet that
... I, and many other astronomers, have ever witnessed," Battams wrote. "This
story isn't over yet."
Rare diplodocus dinosaur sells for $650,000
The skeleton of a diplodocus dinosaur that roamed what is now the United States some 160 million years ago was sold for 400,000 pounds ($651,100) to an unidentified public institution at an auction in Britain on Wednesday.
Misty, as the dinosaur was nicknamed,
will later be put on public display, the auctioneers said.
It was found
by the teenage sons of German dinosaur hunter Raimund Albersdoerfer in Dana
quarry in Wyoming, in the western United States.
The auctioneers, Summers
Place Auction, declined to disclose any details about the buyer, who wished to
remain anonymous.
"Finding a reasonably complete diplodocus of this size
is extremely rare," Errol Fuller, a natural history expert and curator of the
sale, told Reuters by telephone from West Sussex in England. "They are only ever
really found by luck."
The remains of the 17-metre (56 ft) female are
among the few more or less complete skeletons of diplodocus longus ever found.
The sons of the German paleontologist came across Misty's fossilised bones after
their father sent them to hunt another area because they were distracting him
from his own search.
"The children wanted to find their own bits and
pieces, so he sent them where he thought they might find a few fragments but
nothing really important, and they came back saying that they had found this
enormous bone," Fuller said.
Since the discovery was made on private
rather than Federal land, it was possible for the German paleontologist to
remove the fossils from the United States. They were sent to Holland, where they
were cleaned and assembled, and then to the UK, where Misty was sold to the
owner who is about to take her to her new home.
$1 = 77.80 Bangladeshi taka
Saturday, November 30, 2013
International Linear Collider will search for 'unifying theory of everything'
(CNN) -- "Two professors, both alike in dignity, in fair Geneva where we lay our scene."
When it is finally written, the story of one of the greatest scientific discoveries of our age may begin something like this.
Last month, two eminent
professors -- Peter Higgs and Francois Englert -- were jointly awarded
one of science's greatest honours: the Nobel Prize in Physics.
The award came on the back of the dramatic announcement last year that the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC), based in Geneva, had made an astonishing discovery: a new
particle, a Higgs Boson, had been comprehensively proven to exist.
Physicists around the world rejoiced -- some wept openly. Years of speculation, theory and research had suddenly been validated.
In typical Scandinavian understatement, Staffan Normark,
permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said "This
year's prize is about something small that makes all the difference."
The discovery came as a
major puzzle piece in the way physicists understand the universe. The
"Standard Model" of physics, which some regard as a "theory of almost everything"
suffered from a significant "missing link" before the discovery of the
Higgs Boson. Now there seemed to be a reason why particles have mass;
now we had a key to understanding our 4% of the universe and perhaps
access to understanding the other 96% of the universe as well.
But just as one set of
answers were being revealed, more questions immediately presented
themselves. CNN Labs spoke to some of the world's top physicists about
what the discovery of the Higgs Boson means, and what questions now need
to be addressed.
Joel Butler, a scientist at the prestigious Fermilab laboratory in Illinois
said: "The big question is why the Higgs (particle), with a mass more
than 100 times that of the proton, is so light. That question is not
answered by our picture of the universe"
Spend on water, pump benefits
"Corruption is the elephant in the
room" for improved water supplies, said Zafar Adeel, director of the UN
University's Institute for Water, Environment and Health, which was a
co-producer of the report.
The study said investments of $840 billion to $1.8 trillion a year, or up to about 2.2 percent of world gross domestic product, would be needed over 20 years to provide universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation and to improve other services such as irrigation and hydro power.
That would mark a sharp rise from the current $500 billion invested each year but yield benefits of at least $3.0 trillion a year, or more than $1.0 trillion above the highest projected spending, it said.
Benefits would include "direct economic return, livelihood creation, health system savings, and the preservation of nature's ecosystem services", according to the study, which said it was the first long-term estimate for water costs.
Adeel told Reuters the benefit and cost estimates were intended to help debate about water, a sector that faces strains from a rising world population, pollution and climate change.
Drinking water
Almost 2.5 billion of the world's 7 billion people lack access to sanitation, and about 770 million lack safe drinking water, UN data show.
The report cited a 2008 study by Transparency International that said about 30 percent of spending on water-related infrastructure in developing nations today is lost to corruption.
Transparency International said, for instance, that aquifers in 90 percent of Chinese cities were polluted because of lax enforcement of environmental laws. In Mexico, it said irrigation subsidies were skewed towards the biggest farmers.
"I've no indications that the fight against corruption, except perhaps for some small cases, has made much progress" since 2008, said Teun Bastemeijer, director of the Water Integrity Network in Berlin, which has ties to Transparency International.
"Much of the impact of this corruption falls on the poor and those without access to water," according to Wednesday's report, produced with the UN Office for Sustainable Development and the Stockholm Environment Agency.
Adeel said that companies and aid agencies could try to invest directly in local projects in developing nations, bypassing central governments, to limit the risk of corruption.
Major companies in the water sector include France's Veolia and Suez, and ITT Corp and GE Water of the United States. All say they try to stamp out corruption.
The study said investments of $840 billion to $1.8 trillion a year, or up to about 2.2 percent of world gross domestic product, would be needed over 20 years to provide universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation and to improve other services such as irrigation and hydro power.
That would mark a sharp rise from the current $500 billion invested each year but yield benefits of at least $3.0 trillion a year, or more than $1.0 trillion above the highest projected spending, it said.
Benefits would include "direct economic return, livelihood creation, health system savings, and the preservation of nature's ecosystem services", according to the study, which said it was the first long-term estimate for water costs.
Adeel told Reuters the benefit and cost estimates were intended to help debate about water, a sector that faces strains from a rising world population, pollution and climate change.
Drinking water
Almost 2.5 billion of the world's 7 billion people lack access to sanitation, and about 770 million lack safe drinking water, UN data show.
The report cited a 2008 study by Transparency International that said about 30 percent of spending on water-related infrastructure in developing nations today is lost to corruption.
Transparency International said, for instance, that aquifers in 90 percent of Chinese cities were polluted because of lax enforcement of environmental laws. In Mexico, it said irrigation subsidies were skewed towards the biggest farmers.
"I've no indications that the fight against corruption, except perhaps for some small cases, has made much progress" since 2008, said Teun Bastemeijer, director of the Water Integrity Network in Berlin, which has ties to Transparency International.
"Much of the impact of this corruption falls on the poor and those without access to water," according to Wednesday's report, produced with the UN Office for Sustainable Development and the Stockholm Environment Agency.
Adeel said that companies and aid agencies could try to invest directly in local projects in developing nations, bypassing central governments, to limit the risk of corruption.
Major companies in the water sector include France's Veolia and Suez, and ITT Corp and GE Water of the United States. All say they try to stamp out corruption.
Google’s prepaid debit card
The card, which is only available
in the United States, lets consumers access the funds stored in their Google
Wallet accounts. Google Wallet is a smartphone app and online payment service
that lets consumers buy goods and transfer money to each other.
The new Wallet card will be accepted at "millions of locations" that accept MasterCard and at ATM machines, Google said in a post on its official blog on Wednesday. Google said the card is free and that the company will not charge cardholders any monthly or annual fees.
The card could help advance Google's efforts to play a bigger role in commerce and provide the company with valuable information about consumer shopping habits, though it appears to be less ambitious than the full-fledged credit card once rumoured to be in the works.
Plans for a Google consumer credit card were shelved when the head of Google's Wallet and payments group, Osama Bedier, left the company in May, according to a report at the time in the technology blog AllThingsD.
Google, the world's No. 1 Internet search engine, in 2011 began offering a special AdWords Business credit card that its advertising customers could use to buy ads on its website.
A Google spokeswoman confirmed that data about transactions made with the new Wallet card - including a description of goods purchased, the amount of the transaction and the name and address of the seller - would be added to the internal profiles that Google maintains for users of its services, which can be used to target ads.
Consumers add money to the new Wallet Card by linking it to a bank account or when another person transfers money to their Wallet account, according to Google. The card can be ordered online on Wednesday, and typically takes 10 to 12 days to arrive, a Google spokeswoman said.
The new Wallet card will be accepted at "millions of locations" that accept MasterCard and at ATM machines, Google said in a post on its official blog on Wednesday. Google said the card is free and that the company will not charge cardholders any monthly or annual fees.
The card could help advance Google's efforts to play a bigger role in commerce and provide the company with valuable information about consumer shopping habits, though it appears to be less ambitious than the full-fledged credit card once rumoured to be in the works.
Plans for a Google consumer credit card were shelved when the head of Google's Wallet and payments group, Osama Bedier, left the company in May, according to a report at the time in the technology blog AllThingsD.
Google, the world's No. 1 Internet search engine, in 2011 began offering a special AdWords Business credit card that its advertising customers could use to buy ads on its website.
A Google spokeswoman confirmed that data about transactions made with the new Wallet card - including a description of goods purchased, the amount of the transaction and the name and address of the seller - would be added to the internal profiles that Google maintains for users of its services, which can be used to target ads.
Consumers add money to the new Wallet Card by linking it to a bank account or when another person transfers money to their Wallet account, according to Google. The card can be ordered online on Wednesday, and typically takes 10 to 12 days to arrive, a Google spokeswoman said.
Coming Soon, a Night Watchman With Wheels?
The night watchman of the future is 5 feet tall, weighs 300 pounds and
looks a lot like R2-D2 – without the whimsy. And will work for $6.25 an
The robot, which can be seen in a promotional video,
is still very much a work in progress. The system will have a video
camera, thermal imaging sensors, a laser range finder, radar, air
quality sensors and a microphone. It will also have a limited amount of
autonomy, such as the ability to follow a preplanned route. It will not,
at least for now, include advanced features like facial recognition,
which is still being perfected.
Knight-scope-settled in Silicon Valley because it was hoping for a warm
reception from technology companies that employ large security forces to
protect their sprawling campuses.
Over all, there are about 1.3 million private security guards in the
United States, and they are low paid for the most part, averaging about
$23,000 a year, according to the Service Employees International Union.
Most are not unionized, so they are vulnerable to low-cost automation
K5 also raises questions about mass surveillance, which has already set
off intense debate in the United States and Europe with the expansion of
closed-circuit television systems on city streets and elsewhere. The Knight-scope founders, however, have a radically different notion, which
involves crime prediction, or “precog” — a theme of the movie “Minority
Hope still for 'dead' Comet Ison
The giant ball of ice and dust was initially declared dead when it
failed to re-emerge from behind the star with the expected brightness.
There were early doubts when nothing was seen in pictures where #Comet Ison should have been (the cross in this picture).
But recent pictures have indicated a brightening of what may be a small fragment of the comet.
Astronomers admit to being surprised and delighted, but now caution that anything could happen in the coming hours and days.
( Photo courtesy of Nasa)
There were early doubts when nothing was seen in pictures where #Comet Ison should have been (the cross in this picture).
But recent pictures have indicated a brightening of what may be a small fragment of the comet.
Astronomers admit to being surprised and delighted, but now caution that anything could happen in the coming hours and days.
( Photo courtesy of Nasa)
Friday, November 29, 2013
Blogger templates
ব্লগার টেমপ্লেট দরকার? এই নিন হাজার হাজার!
এই ব্লগস্পটে ব্লগ তৈরী করতে হলে প্রথমে যা দরকার তা হল সুন্দর একটি টেমপ্লেট তাই আমি আজ আপনাদের কাছে কিছু সাইট শেয়ার করব যেখান থেকে আপনারা হাজার হাজার টেমপ্লেট সহ পাবেন আরো অনেক কিছু। তাই নিচের লিংক গুলো থেকে এক্ষুনি ভিজিট করা শুরু করুন। সবাই খুব ভালো থাকবেন এই প্রত্যাশায় এখনকার মত বিদায়, আল্লাহ হাফেজ।
এই ব্লগস্পটে ব্লগ তৈরী করতে হলে প্রথমে যা দরকার তা হল সুন্দর একটি টেমপ্লেট তাই আমি আজ আপনাদের কাছে কিছু সাইট শেয়ার করব যেখান থেকে আপনারা হাজার হাজার টেমপ্লেট সহ পাবেন আরো অনেক কিছু। তাই নিচের লিংক গুলো থেকে এক্ষুনি ভিজিট করা শুরু করুন। সবাই খুব ভালো থাকবেন এই প্রত্যাশায় এখনকার মত বিদায়, আল্লাহ হাফেজ।
দিন-রাত্রি চোখের জলে
আমি একা ভাসি;
কোথায় গেলে তুমি বাবা
আমি তোমায় ভালবাসি,
গভীর রাতে ঘুমের ছলে
কোথায় দিলে পাড়ি?
এমন করে কেন গেলে
আমায় তুমি ছাড়ি?
ভোর বেলাতে ডেকে তুলে
আবার তুমি পাঠ।ও স্কুলে,
দেখো আমার মন।
আমি এখন যুবক হয়েছি
- See more at: Me Dear
Kiss me dear kiss with softly soft*
Kiss me dear kiss with your desire*
Kiss me dear kiss with a little bite*
Kiss me dear kiss with your heart*
Kiss me dear kiss with your warm hug*
Kiss me dear kiss with your smooth lips*
Kiss me dear kiss with your hopes*
Kiss me dear kiss with your pray*
Kiss me dear kiss with your honestly*
Kiss me dear kiss with your loves*
Kiss me dear kiss with your happiness*
Kiss me dear kiss with happily*
Kiss me dear kiss with heartbeat*
Kiss me dear kiss with really*
Kiss me dear kiss with admirable*
Kiss me dear kiss with quietly*
Kiss me dear kiss with realy on*
Kiss me dear kiss with require*
Kiss me dear kiss me now and forevermore*
I'need you for strong standing with me**
Kiss me dear kiss with your desire*
Kiss me dear kiss with a little bite*
Kiss me dear kiss with your heart*
Kiss me dear kiss with your warm hug*
Kiss me dear kiss with your smooth lips*
Kiss me dear kiss with your hopes*
Kiss me dear kiss with your pray*
Kiss me dear kiss with your honestly*
Kiss me dear kiss with your loves*
Kiss me dear kiss with your happiness*
Kiss me dear kiss with happily*
Kiss me dear kiss with heartbeat*
Kiss me dear kiss with really*
Kiss me dear kiss with admirable*
Kiss me dear kiss with quietly*
Kiss me dear kiss with realy on*
Kiss me dear kiss with require*
Kiss me dear kiss me now and forevermore*
I'need you for strong standing with me**
The three kisses
The Three Kisses ©
The kiss of hello
The kiss that is never just a kiss
The kiss that spikes vein with precision orchestra
The kiss that heals in entirety
The kiss that hides the relent of vex
The kiss that suffocates rusting man
The kiss without detail/ed system)
The kiss that pounds each pore to state of heroin
The kiss that Hiroshimates euphoria
The kiss that approximates/parallels living
The kiss only
The kiss, the kiss
The kiss of neither hello nor goodbye
The kiss for the sake
The kiss to save face
The distracted kiss for/of domestic bliss
The kiss to bathe mania in generic valium, the kiss of the motions
The kiss of searing content, hindering suffocation and blasé defection
The default kiss, the efficient kiss, the alteria (motive) kiss
The kiss that makes sense
The new language of kiss
Le kiss, le kiss
The kiss of goodbye
The kiss that is never just a kiss
The kiss that spikes vein with precision orchestra
The kiss that deals in hypocrisy
The kiss that begins and ends each second
Job, health, kiss, marriage, car, security, kiss,
yearn, enjoyment, loss, holiday, kiss, loss holiday kiss
The kiss that Hiroshimates plague
The kiss that parallels living/approximates rage
The memory of kiss *acidifies brain
the kiss, the kiss, the end
The kiss of hello
The kiss that is never just a kiss
The kiss that spikes vein with precision orchestra
The kiss that heals in entirety
The kiss that hides the relent of vex
The kiss that suffocates rusting man
The kiss without detail/ed system)
The kiss that pounds each pore to state of heroin
The kiss that Hiroshimates euphoria
The kiss that approximates/parallels living
The kiss only
The kiss, the kiss
The kiss of neither hello nor goodbye
The kiss for the sake
The kiss to save face
The distracted kiss for/of domestic bliss
The kiss to bathe mania in generic valium, the kiss of the motions
The kiss of searing content, hindering suffocation and blasé defection
The default kiss, the efficient kiss, the alteria (motive) kiss
The kiss that makes sense
The new language of kiss
Le kiss, le kiss
The kiss of goodbye
The kiss that is never just a kiss
The kiss that spikes vein with precision orchestra
The kiss that deals in hypocrisy
The kiss that begins and ends each second
Job, health, kiss, marriage, car, security, kiss,
yearn, enjoyment, loss, holiday, kiss, loss holiday kiss
The kiss that Hiroshimates plague
The kiss that parallels living/approximates rage
The memory of kiss *acidifies brain
the kiss, the kiss, the end
Pziad Yasao
I’m riddled – straddled with a poem.
My heart, it drags, ragged thro’ the pumping;
The pounding, O! the thumping –
See? – the price you have to pay?
Scribbling – you’d think it was a tome
You have to write; but you’re a poet,
And out of spite, you need to have your say –
Channelled with the pain of course,
The mental strain; the bourse – the stock exchanging
‘Mongst the screaming voices.
And you, of metaphor; your choices render slim.
‘Tis only through catharsis and the pen
Can you expect – through flailing mind – to find Amen!
My heart, it drags, ragged thro’ the pumping;
The pounding, O! the thumping –
See? – the price you have to pay?
Scribbling – you’d think it was a tome
You have to write; but you’re a poet,
And out of spite, you need to have your say –
Channelled with the pain of course,
The mental strain; the bourse – the stock exchanging
‘Mongst the screaming voices.
And you, of metaphor; your choices render slim.
‘Tis only through catharsis and the pen
Can you expect – through flailing mind – to find Amen!
Banquet Of Love
Banquet Of Love
I once heard these words in a song; 'You must remember this...a kiss is
just a kiss...a sigh is just a sigh, ' etc.
With you...nothing...nothing, could be
further from the truth.
Your kiss, is a ride among the stars,
a shower of moon beams and a
sailboat ride, in the Garden Of Eden.
Kissing an out of body experience,
a transport to paradise and a creation
of ultimate passion and joy.
Kissing, every part of who you are, is
truly a banquet of love.
Let me feast of your love and of your lips,
for I am in love with you. Let me always
kiss your mouth...eyes...all of you.
Let us ride the feathers of angels, through
starlit nights-holding...kissing, for now...
and evermore.
Your kiss...touch...embrace, has captured
my very soul.
I send you this kiss...for the lips
I can not do without.
just a kiss...a sigh is just a sigh, ' etc.
With you...nothing...nothing, could be
further from the truth.
Your kiss, is a ride among the stars,
a shower of moon beams and a
sailboat ride, in the Garden Of Eden.
Kissing an out of body experience,
a transport to paradise and a creation
of ultimate passion and joy.
Kissing, every part of who you are, is
truly a banquet of love.
Let me feast of your love and of your lips,
for I am in love with you. Let me always
kiss your mouth...eyes...all of you.
Let us ride the feathers of angels, through
starlit nights-holding...kissing, for now...
and evermore.
Your kiss...touch...embrace, has captured
my very soul.
I send you this kiss...for the lips
I can not do without.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
তোমায় আমি দেখেছিলাম ব’লে
তোমায় আমি দেখেছিলাম ব’লে
তুমি আমার পদ্মপাতা হলে;
শিশির কণার মতন শূন্যে ঘুরে
শুনেছিলাম পদ্মপত্র আছে অনেক দূরে
খুঁজে খুঁজে পেলাম তাকে শেষে।
নদী সাগর কোথায় চলে ব’য়ে
পদ্মপাতায় জলের বিন্দু হ’য়ে
জানি না কিছু-দেখি না কিছু আর
এতদিনে মিল হয়েছে তোমার আমার
পদ্মপাতার বুকের ভিতর এসে।
তোমায় ভালোবেসেছি আমি, তাই
শিশির হয়ে থাকতে যে ভয় পাই,
তোমার কোলে জলের বিন্দু পেতে
চাই যে তোমার মধ্যে মিশে যেতে
শরীর যেমন মনের সঙ্গে মেশে।
জানি আমি তুমি রবে-আমার হবে ক্ষয়
পদ্মপাতা একটি শুধু জলের বিন্দু নয়।
এই আছে, নেই-এই আছে নেই-জীবন চঞ্চল;
তা তাকাতেই ফুরিয়ে যায় রে পদ্মপাতার জল
বুঝেছি আমি তোমায় ভালোবেসে !
তুমি আমার পদ্মপাতা হলে;
শিশির কণার মতন শূন্যে ঘুরে
শুনেছিলাম পদ্মপত্র আছে অনেক দূরে
খুঁজে খুঁজে পেলাম তাকে শেষে।
নদী সাগর কোথায় চলে ব’য়ে
পদ্মপাতায় জলের বিন্দু হ’য়ে
জানি না কিছু-দেখি না কিছু আর
এতদিনে মিল হয়েছে তোমার আমার
পদ্মপাতার বুকের ভিতর এসে।
তোমায় ভালোবেসেছি আমি, তাই
শিশির হয়ে থাকতে যে ভয় পাই,
তোমার কোলে জলের বিন্দু পেতে
চাই যে তোমার মধ্যে মিশে যেতে
শরীর যেমন মনের সঙ্গে মেশে।
জানি আমি তুমি রবে-আমার হবে ক্ষয়
পদ্মপাতা একটি শুধু জলের বিন্দু নয়।
এই আছে, নেই-এই আছে নেই-জীবন চঞ্চল;
তা তাকাতেই ফুরিয়ে যায় রে পদ্মপাতার জল
বুঝেছি আমি তোমায় ভালোবেসে !
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
মজিলা ফায়ারফক্স কি বারংবার হ্যাং করছে
মজিলা ফায়ারফক্স ব্যাবহারকারিরা মাঝে মাঝে যে সমস্যা সম্মুখিন হয়ে
থাকেন তা হল কোন কিছু ডাউনলোড করতে নিলে বা সেইভ করতে নিলে বারংবার হ্যাং
করছে , এক্ষেত্রে সেটা হতে পারে ইমেজ, ওয়েবপেইজ বা এই টাইপের যেকোন ডেটা।
তো আজকে আমরা এর সমাধান নিয়েই আলোচনা করবো।
হ্যাং এর সমাধান আমরা দুই ভাবে করতে পারি। হিষ্টোরি ক্লিন করে বা ডাউনলোড লোকেশান পরিবর্তন করে।
*** ডাউনলোড হিষ্টোরি ক্লিনিং :
1. মেনু বার থেকে Tools >> Downloads.ডাউনলোড লিষ্ট খুলুন।
2. Clear List ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোডেড লিষ্ট ক্লিয়ার করুন।
৩. ব্যাস, এবার সেম্পল ফাইল নামিয়ে চেক করে দেখুন
আর প্রথম পদ্ধতিতে কাজ না হলে ২য় পদ্ধতি দেখুন
*** ডাউনলোড ফোল্ডার পরিবর্তন:
1. মেনু বার থেকে Tools >> Options এ যান
2. General ট্যাবে যান, তারপর Downloads >> Save files to >> Browse বাটনে ক্লিক করুন.
3. নতুন লোকেশান দেখিয়ে দেন.
ব্যাস এবার নির্ভেজাল ভাবে ডাউনলোড করুন ফায়ারফক্স থেকে
1. মেনু বার থেকে Tools >> Downloads.ডাউনলোড লিষ্ট খুলুন।
2. Clear List ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোডেড লিষ্ট ক্লিয়ার করুন।
৩. ব্যাস, এবার সেম্পল ফাইল নামিয়ে চেক করে দেখুন
আর প্রথম পদ্ধতিতে কাজ না হলে ২য় পদ্ধতি দেখুন
*** ডাউনলোড ফোল্ডার পরিবর্তন:
1. মেনু বার থেকে Tools >> Options এ যান
2. General ট্যাবে যান, তারপর Downloads >> Save files to >> Browse বাটনে ক্লিক করুন.
3. নতুন লোকেশান দেখিয়ে দেন.
ব্যাস এবার নির্ভেজাল ভাবে ডাউনলোড করুন ফায়ারফক্স থেকে
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
আমার কৈফিয়ৎ____রুপশী বংলা
আমার কৈফিয়ৎ
বর্তমানের কবি আমি ভাই, ভবিষ্যতের নই ‘নবী’,কবি ও অকবি যাহা বলো মোরে মুখ বুঁজে তাই সই সবি!
কেহ বলে, ‘তুমি ভবিষ্যতে যে
ঠাঁই পাবে কবি ভবীর সাথে হে!
যেমন বেরোয় রবির হাতে সে চিরকেলে-বাণী কই কবি?’
দুষিছে সবাই, আমি তবু গাই শুধু প্রভাতের ভৈরবী!
কবি-বন্ধুরা হতাশ হইয়া মোর লেখা প’ড়ে শ্বাস ফেলে!
বলে, কেজো ক্রমে হচ্ছে অকেজো পলিটিক্সের পাশ ঠেলে’।
পড়ে না ক’ বই, ব’য়ে গেছে ওটা।
কেহ বলে, বৌ-এ গিলিয়াছে গোটা।
কেহ বলে, মাটি হ’ল হয়ে মোটা জেলে ব’সে শুধু তাস খেলে!
কেহ বলে, তুই জেলে ছিলি ভালো ফের যেন তুই যাস জেলে!
গুরু ক’ন, তুই করেছিস শুরু তলোয়ার দিয়ে দাড়ি চাঁছা!
প্রতি শনিবারী চিঠিতে প্রেয়সী গালি দেন, ‘তুমি হাঁড়িচাঁচা!’
আমি বলি, ‘প্রিয়ে, হাটে ভাঙি হাঁড়ি!’
অমনি বন্ধ চিঠি তাড়াতাড়ি।
সব ছেড়ে দিয়ে করিলাম বিয়ে, হিন্দুরা ক’ন, আড়ি চাচা!’
যবন না আমি কাফের ভাবিয়া খুঁজি টিকি দাড়ি, নাড়ি কাছা!
মৌ-লোভী যত মৌলবী আর ‘ মোল্-লা’রা ক’ন হাত নেড়ে’,
‘দেব-দেবী নাম মুখে আনে, সবে দাও পাজিটার জাত মেরে!
ফতোয়া দিলাম- কাফের কাজী ও,
যদিও শহীদ হইতে রাজী ও!
‘আমপারা’-পড়া হাম-বড়া মোরা এখনো বেড়াই ভাত মেরে!
হিন্দুরা ভাবে,‘ পার্শী-শব্দে কবিতা লেখে, ও পা’ত-নেড়ে!’
আনকোরা যত নন্ভায়োলেন্ট নন্-কো’র দলও নন্ খুশী।
‘ভায়োরেন্সের ভায়োলিন্’ নাকি আমি, বিপ্লবী-মন তুষি!
‘এটা অহিংস’, বিপ্লবী ভাবে,
‘নয় চর্কার গান কেন গা’বে?’
গোঁড়া-রাম ভাবে নাস্তিক আমি, পাতি-রাম ভাবে কন্ফুসি!
স্বরাজীরা ভাবে নারাজী, নারাজীরা ভাবে তাহাদের আঙ্কুশি!
নর ভাবে, আমি বড় নারী-ঘেঁষা! নারী ভাবে, নারী-বিদ্বেষী!
‘বিলেত ফেরনি?’ প্রবাসী-বন্ধু ক’ন, ‘ এই তব বিদ্যে, ছি!’
ভক্তরা বলে, ‘নবযুগ-রবি!’-
যুগের না হই, হজুগের কবি
বটি ত রে দাদা, আমি মনে ভাবি, আর ক’ষে কষি হৃদ্-পেশী,
দু’কানে চশ্মা আঁটিয়া ঘুমানু, দিব্যি হ’তেছে নিদ্ বেশী!
কি যে লিখি ছাই মাথা ও মুণ্ডু আমিই কি বুঝি তার কিছু?
হাত উঁচু আর হ’ল না ত ভাই, তাই লিখি ক’রে ঘাড় নীচু!
বন্ধু! তোমরা দিলে না ক’ দাম,
রাজ-সরকার রেখেছেন মান!
যাহা কিছু লিখি অমূল্য ব’লে অ-মূল্যে নেন! আর কিছু
শুনেছ কি, হুঁ হুঁ, ফিরিছে রাজার প্রহরী সদাই কার পিছু?
বন্ধু! তুমি ত দেখেছ আমায় আমার মনের মন্দিরে,
হাড় কালি হ’ল শাসাতে নারিনু তবু পোড়া মন-বন্দীরে!
যতবার বাঁধি ছেঁড়ে সে শিকল,
মেরে মেরে তা’রে করিনু বিকল,
তবু যদি কথা শোনে সে পাগল! মানিল না ররি-গান্ধীরে।
হঠাৎ জাগিয়া বাঘ খুঁজে ফেরে নিশার আঁধারে বন চিরে’!
আমি বলি, ওরে কথা শোন্ ক্ষ্যাপা, দিব্যি আছিস্ খোশ্-হালে!
প্রায় ‘হাফ’-নেতা হ’য়ে উঠেছিস্, এবার এ দাঁও ফস্কালে
‘ফুল’-নেতা আর হবিনে যে হায়!
বক্তৃতা দিয়া কাঁদিতে সভায়
গুঁড়ায়ে লঙ্কা পকেটেতে বোকা এই বেলা ঢোকা! সেই তালে
নিস্ তোর ফুটো ঘরটাও ছেয়ে, নয় পস্তাবি শেষকালে।
বোঝে না ক’ যে সে চারণের বেশে ফেরে দেশে দেশে গান গেয়ে,
গান শুন সবে ভাবে, ভাবনা কি! দিন যাবে এবে পান খেয়ে!
রবে না ক’ ম্যালেরিয়া মহামারী,
স্বরাজ আসিছে চ’ড়ে জুড়ি-গাড়ী,
চাঁদা চাই, তারা ক্ষুধার অন্ন এনে দেয়, কাঁদে ছেলে-মেয়ে।
মাতা কয়, ওরে চুপ্ হতভাগা, স্বরাজ আসে যে, দেখ্ চেয়ে!
ক্ষুধাতুর শিশু চায় না স্বরাজ, চায় দুটো ভাত, একটু নুন,
বেলা ব’য়ে যায়, খায়নি ক’ বাছা, কচি পেটে তার জ্বলে আগুন।
কেঁদে ছুটে আসি পাগলের প্রায়,
স্বরাজের নেশা কোথা ছুটে যায়!
কেঁদে বলি, ওগো ভগবান তুমি আজিও আছে কি? কালি ও চুন
কেন ওঠে না ক’ তাহাদের গালে, যারা খায় এই শিশুর খুন?
আমরা ত জানি, স্বরাজ আনিতে পোড়া বার্তাকু এনেছি খাস!
কত শত কোটি ক্ষুধিত শিশুর ক্ষুধা নিঙাড়িয়া কাড়িয়া গ্রাস
এল কোটি টাকা, এল না স্বরাজ!
টাকা দিতে নারে ভুখারি সমাজ।
মা’র বুক হ’তে ছেলে কেড়ে খায়, মোরা বলি, বাঘ, খাও হে ঘাস!
হেরিনু, জননী মাগিছে ভিক্ষা ঢেকে রেখে ঘরে ছেলের লাশ!
বন্ধু গো, আর বলিতে পারি না, বড় বিষ-জ্বালা এই বুকে!
দেখিয়া শুনিয়া ক্ষেপিয়া গিয়াছি, তাই যাহা আসে কই মুখে।
রক্ত ঝরাতে পারি না ত একা,
তাই লিখে যাই এ রক্ত-লেখা,
বড় কথা বড় ভাব আসে না ক’ মাথায়, বন্ধু, বড় দুখে!
অমর কাব্য তোমরা লিখিও, বন্ধু, যাহারা আছ সুখে!
পরোয়া করি না, বাঁচি বা না-বাঁচি যুগের হুজুগ কেটে গেলে,
মাথায় উপরে জ্বলিছেন রবি, রয়েছে সোনার শত ছেলে।
প্রার্থনা ক’রো যারা কেড়ে খায় তেত্রিশ কোটি মুখের গ্রাস,
যেন লেখা হয় আমার রক্ত-লেখায় তাদের সর্বনাশ!
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